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It's been five years, yet the way we have managed to find each other amazes me still.
And in the times of angst, sorrows, and pain, that we still have one another's shoulders, back, and embrace, indeed makes a lot of difference.
As we gaze into the abyss, there is no justice, nor equity, nor reason, for our world is but a valley of the shadow of death.
Whereas in the name of life, we shall keep on walking, insofar as Nietzsche has brilliantly concluded, that to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering; and that in one's lived experiences, it is the very companionship that produces meaning; whilst the world has no meaning whatsoever in itself.
So if we were to live, or survive, or merely exist, let us keep on walking, amidst the darkness, amidst the despair; until dawn, until the end.
Because it's there.